Personal Injury Auto Accidents

Personal Injury Accidents

While listening to the traffic report during my morning commute I am amazed how often an accident happens. I wonder how my family would fare if I was injured in an accident.


According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration general statistics for motor vehicle collisions.  In 2015, there were 6.3 million police reported accidents, in which 2.44 million people were injured.  This makes the average number of people injured per day 7,073.

What are the odds?

Stop and think about that for a moment – every day of the year over 7,000 people a day are getting injured in almost 17,000 accidents.  There are over 250 million cars on the roads making the chances of you being in an accident are 0.0068% – the question you have to ask yourself is – do you feel lucky?

The reality is that you may drive to the office every week of your working career and never be in an accident, but if you are – here are a few things you must ensure you do to protect yourself and your family.

Understanding Liability and Personal Injury Protection Insurance

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, be sure that you get the insurance information for all the parties involved in the accident.  

The insurance company of the at fault persons insurance will cover the damages to your car and also your medical bills if you are injured.  

Personal injury protection is an additional insurance that can be purchased with your liability insurance coverage.  It is an extension of your liability insurance and may be used to help cover medical expenses, and sometimes lost wages and other damages.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

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Personal Injury The Life and Times of a PI Case

There are steps that need to be addressed to help you get the compensation that you deserve.

  • Take care of your injuries by following your doctors direction.
  • Talk to an Attorney if you get injured and someone else is liable.
  • An Attorney will build the case for you by asking the important questions, gathering the documents, and medical records and preparing to go to Trial for you.
  • Most cases are settled without going to Trial.

Money does not solve all things.

It can help you address the loss that you have suffered and help you move forward.

Our Attorneys are happy to discuss your options and see if we can help you move forward.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can fight for the settlement that you deserve.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Dogs on the Job

Dogs on the Job

Dogs are on the job in the Courthouse providing support and encouragement. Their presence is giving some people the confidence to tell their story, and face the difficult, and daunting task of recounting a traumatic experience. 

Canines for More Than Cops

We have seen many kinds of service dogs in our world giving back to the community.  The concept of Courthouse Dogs was pioneered in 2003 right here in Washington State.  A King County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney working in Seattle came up with this tool for the Courthouse as the result of a trip to Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) with her son. 

Raise Your Right Paw

In December of 2004, Deputy Prosecutor Page Ulrey entered training with “Ellie”.  They went through an extensive training program before graduating and returning home to King County to become what is believed to be the first official Courthouse dog.  

Working Like a Dog

Courthouse dogs are in the business of providing emotional support with a soft look, a listening ear, an understanding wag, and comforting snuggle when needed.   They work several days a week assisting with witness statements and calming others in the high stress environment of the courtroom.

Speaking in public is difficult.

When in the courtroom there is the added stress of recounting the truth of possibly one your hardest days. Having a dog with you is like having an old friend there to help making it easier to talk, to remember, and to experience less anxiety.

Going to the Dogs

While it may seem surprising to see a courtroom going to the dogs, the results seem to be in the dogs favor.  They are a positive influence in allowing the truth to be heard so that justice may be upheld.

Atta Dog

We want to thank local members of this community who raise and train puppies to prepare them for many different acts of service.  Thank you to the trainers who work tirelessly to perfect these dogs specialized skills. Thank you to the partners who know and love these dogs best and put their services to work. Thank you to the Courts for Going to the Dogs! 

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(425) 259 4972

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Enjoy Working With People

Enjoy working with people.

I enjoy working with people.

I enjoy working with people. You know, the clients, it is great to get to know the clients. You become friends with them, because I am working closely with them. 

I am in contact with them all the time, I am sending them emails, I am calling them. Hey, how’s your treatment going? How is your recovery? I am involved in their life for three years at a time. And if it goes to court, even longer. 

When I can work with a client, and get to know them. Really, you know, you make friends. You make these relationships and you are helping out a person the whole time. To get them a settlement that they are happy with. 

I enjoy working with people to settle their case.

 It is stressful up until that point.  And there are certain points, just like in life, there are certain things that are very stressful, But then you work past them. 

It is great to get to know the clients and help them get the settlement that they are happy with. That is what I enjoy most about it.

I am Logan Merrill and I do Personal Injury Law at Merrill Law.

Our Attorneys Work To Protect Your Rights.

We will:

  • Request all required documentation from the Court, Officers, Insurance Companies, Doctors.
  • Develop the best strategy for your injury case.
  • Address your case with the involved parties.
  • Notify you of any steps you need to do in the process.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call Us Now

Call us now to ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Logan Merrill Getting Started

Changing to Merrill Law

Logan Merrill Getting Started

Logan Merrill Getting Started. I graduated from College, here, I went to Central Washington University, Ellensburg. I was going to Law School, and I figured, it was time for an adventure.

I have never lived outside of Washington before. So I thought it might be fun to live somewhere else for 3 years. So I was looking out of State, I was not trying to go to school in Washington. I thought about going South. And I applied to some schools in the South, in South Carolina and North Carolina. I don’t know but, Rogers Williams is a great school in Rhode Island. It was a good fit, so that is where I ended up. I just settled on that one, it just seemed right to me. You know it was 3000 miles away, and I figured, why not.

So I lived out there, I went to law school there for three years. By the time 3 years was up, I was ready to come home. You know I lived in Washington my whole life, up until that point. I missed the west coast, I missed Washington, Washington is my home. So it was nice to come back and see everybody and live with my family and be close to people again.

Actually I moved back here for the pandemic.

When the pandemic hit, I moved back here and finished online. I graduated May of 2020.

Starting in the Family Business

My Brother and my Dad were working here for a few years. My Dad has been working here forever, and my Brother, Reece started and has been working here about 4 or 5 years. They had a spot open for me, you know. You are in law school and if you want to come work with us that is great. We can ad more of the family to the business. Which is great for me. I know a lot of people in law school are still worried about jobs. Like, oh, how am I going to find a job. It is so hard to find.

But it was kind of nice to have family back home. With me, that I was able to come home and join the Family business. Especially with my Dad and my Brother, so experienced in the area and in the community, that it is nice to kind of come back and join the practice. They do Criminal Defense and mostly speeding tickets and things like that. My Dad also had a little bit of a Personal Injury business going at the time.

Fitting in

I have been here for a little over a year now. I fit in pretty well, we have a paralegal here, Dorian, who I work very closely with. We work together all the time. She is teaching me the ropes. It is nice to have two of us down here working on the Personal Injury side, growing that business for the firm.

I am Logan Merrill and I do Personal Injury Law at Merrill Law.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

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Changing to Merrill Law

Changing to Merrill Law

We are changing to Merrill Law.

Even though Rick is planning his retirement, we will still be here at Merrill Law to continue to help you. 

“But now you know, we’re changing over to Merrill Law. I think that’ll be fine but it’s definitely a challenge. There’s no question about that because it’s, you know, it’s in my name all this time.  Had I thought, back you know when I first started I would have obviously changed the name of the firm. 

Reece and Logan

Reece has been with me quite a while now, five years or five plus years I think. So he’s got his own following in the community. A lot of people know him and he’s got a good reputation. So I think that will help. I think Reece is pretty comfortable talking in front of people and Logan that’s kind of not his thing. So in Criminal Law there’s a lot of in court. You know we talk in front of people every day and I think Reece kind of likes that. I don’t think Logan does. Logan is really good with people one-on-one and you know is a very nurturing person. Reece is too, but different personalities. I think Reece is fine talking in front of people I don’t think Logan really is. So I think it’s a good niche for both of them. 

I don’t think there’ll be a lot of crossover. I don’t know, who knows, time will tell. You know, I think that the boys are going to have to kind of carve it out for themselves. My wife is kind of helping me with that. You know I have things, I think this is what we should do, which we should do.  And she’s, you know she’s helping me with, “You know it’s kind of going to be their business. They’ve kind of got to carve out what they’re going to do.”  You know, I carved out what I did. Now it’s kind of going to have to be them, It’s not going to be me so and then. it’s a little bit hard but I understand that. They’ve kind of got to do what they’re going to do.  

Now when I started, I just, I quit my job and put an ad in the local yellow pages and hoped my phone would ring. You know and I had three kids at the time. and you know I was married and had three kids. So looking back it was probably a stupid decision, but you know you just gotta have faith. And we just poured forward and now we are where we are. 

So you know my oldest boy, he went to the University of Washington Business School and got out, the economy was so bad that he couldn’t find a job. So he thought oh let’s go to law school. I have some time, So he did and then Reece kind of did too and then Logan after him so. It was never really planned but when Reece got out of law school he came to work for me kind of part time and he just kind of stayed and then Logan just kind of joined.  But it really just kind of happened. But no, I never really thought about it before. I’ll tell you the truth. I mean, it does feel good now that I can, you know kind of leave them with something.

And you know my father, my father completed the seventh grade, worked labor jobs his whole life. Um so he you know helped me get through college and all that so it’s a completely different feel for us really.”

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

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What is a Ticket?

A Ticket is a Civil Infraction

What is a ticket? It is a civil infraction that is issued by an officer. It can go on your driving abstract.

These are some examples :

  • Speeding
  • Negligent Driving 2nd degree
  • Personal Electronic Device
  • Fail to Yield
  • Improper Lane change
  • Fail to Signal
  • Speeding too fast for conditions

How does a Traffic Ticket affect you:

  • Appear on your Driving Abstract as a moving violation.
  • Can cause your insurance rates to go up.
  • Can add points to your license.
  • Will show on your record for 3 years.
  • May affect your job either now or in the future.

We Can Help You Fight Your Ticket!

Our Attorneys work to protect your record. We will:

  • Request all required documentation from the court.
  • Develop the best defense strategy for each individual infraction.
  • Address your ticket at the court hearing for you.
  • Confirm the outcome has been properly recorded in your docket.
  • Notify you of the outcome and any steps you need to do to complete the process.

How do you Hire Merrill Law to Represent You?

You will need to complete the client agreement form and pay the fee before Merrill Law will be able to represent you in court. Parent or Guardian Signatures are also required If the client is a minor.

Our legal team handles tickets during office hours.

How to get started.

  • Come in to the office during business hours or,
  • Call during business hours to have the form sent to you by Email, Fax or Mail.
  • Send a request for an agreement form via the website.

Regarding your Ticket

  • You must respond to the court with in the 30 calendar day time restriction.  
  • we can send the ticket to the court for you, if you bring it into the office in a timely manner.
  • If you intend to hire Merrill Law, we ask that you mark the contested hearing box, it is the 3rd box on the ticket, and mail the ticket directly to the court.  

We have pointed out come important areas to look for information on your ticket. There are a few different formats that may be issued.

Options on your ticket.

You have a three options to tell the court how you wish to address this matter.  You will find these options at the bottom of a white ticket or on the back of a green ticket.

  1. Enclose payment and mail the ticket directly to the court.  If you select this option, you should understand that the traffic infraction will go on your driving record.
  2. Request a Mitigation Hearing.  When you request this type of hearing you are agreeing that you have committed the infraction. The hearing allows you to explain the circumstances in which the violation occurred.  You will be required to to attend the hearing to present your case to the judge. The infraction will go on your record with a mitigated hearing.
  3. Request a Contested Hearing. A contested hearing is the preferred type of hearing if you are hiring Merrill Law. This type of hearing allows the details of the infraction to be challenged in court.

Please return the ticket to the court at the address noted on the ticket.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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After You Hire Merrill Law for a Traffic Ticket

What happens after you hire Merrill Law for representation for a traffic ticket?

After You hire means that you have completed the client agreement form and provided payment. Our legal team members will process the proper paperwork to fight your ticket.

We will notify the court in writing that Merrill Law is representing you, and we will request the Discovery.

The Discovery are documents that include the sworn reports from the arresting officer. The Attorney will review and build a defense for your specific case.

Setting a Court Date

When the court receives our notice of appearance, the court clerks will assign a court date. We watch your case closely for this date to be set. It will then be added to our calendar for the attorney to appear on your behalf.

The court has 120 days to hold a hearing for the traffic infraction.

Sometimes the courts will send you a notice of the hearing date. You are not required to attend or fill out the statement. We will address your infraction at the court hearing. You do not need to miss any of your own obligations.

Sometimes an infraction will have more than one hearing date for a variety of reasons. We will address this infraction for you until it has been resolved.

The day of your hearing

It is not necessary for you to attend the court date. We will address your traffic infraction at the time of the hearing. When you completed the client agreement form, you authorized Merrill Law to act on your behalf at the court hearing.

What happens next?

We will monitor your file for the court clerks to complete the updates in the court docket regarding your case.

This is a very important step as the Docket Entry directly affects your driving record. We want to make sure that this has been correctly entered to reflect the decisions that were made at Court.

Once the docket has been updated and the outcome is verified by the attorney. We will notify you by mail of the outcome of your case. This process normally takes several days to a week.

Call us now to ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Intermediate License

What is an Intermediate License?

An intermediate license is issued by the Washington State Department of Licensing to a teen driver under the age of 18.

The teen driver is required to:

  • Obtain an instruction permit.
  • Drive with a licensed driver that has been licensed for 5 years or more.
  • Complete 50 hours of driving practice, including 10 hours of night driving.
  • Pass an approved driver training course.
  • Have an instruction permit for at least 6 months.
  • Pass the driving test at an approved driver testing location.

Intermediate License Restrictions

Keep the following restrictions in mind to avoid a possible suspension of your license. These restrictions are in place until the driver has reached the age of 18.

Driving with Passengers

  • For the first 6 months, a driver under 18, is not allowed to have passengers (under the age of 20 years old) in the vehicle. Exception for immediate family members.
  • After the first 6 months, a driver under 18, is not allowed to have more than 3 passengers (under the age of 20 years old) in the vehicle. Exception for immediate family members.
  • If the intermediate licensed driver is convicted of an infraction, the 6 month passenger restriction begins again on the date the ticket was found committed, or paid to the court.

Driving at Night

For the first 12 months, the intermediate driver is not allowed to drive between the hours of 1:00 am and 5:00 am. Unless there is a licensed driver (over the age of 25) accompanying the teen driver in the car.

No Personal Electronic Devices

The intermediate licensed driver is not allowed to use a wireless device while driving. This includes a hands-free device.

  • Talking on cell phones
  • Texting
  • Emailing

Consequences of Violation Restrictions

First violation:

A warning letter will be mailed from the Washington State Department of Licensing to the parent of the intermediate licensed driver. The following situations will generate a warning letter from DOL.

  • The intermediate driver is issued a ticket for violating the restrictions
  • The intermediate driver is issued a ticket for violating the rules of the road
  • The intermediate driver is involved in an accident in which:
    • The intermediate driver is determined to have caused the accident
    • No one involved in the accident receives a ticket
    • The cause of the accident can not be determined
    • There is only one car involved in the accident.

Second violation:

The intermediate licensed driver will have their license suspended for 6 months or until they reach the age of 18, whichever comes first.

The Washington State Department of Licensing will notify the intermediate licensed driver, as well as, the parent or guardian before they take any suspension action.

Third violation:

The intermediate licensed driver will be suspended until they reach the age of 18.

The Washington State Department of Licensing will notify the intermediate licensed driver as well as the parent of guardian before they take any suspension action.

To Clarify Suspensions

We know that you may be trying to clarify the things that can cause suspensions of an Intermediate License. 

Per RCW 46.20.267 Intermediate License

Will be suspended for up to 6 months if you commit two traffic offenses under RCW 46.61 or Violation of Intermediate License Restrictions under RCW 46.20.075

If three violations are found committed the DOL will suspend the Driver’s License until the person reaches 18 years of age.

Violations that DO count towards suspension include these common offenses:

  • Speeding
  • Negligent driving 2nd degree
  • Failure to wear safety belt
  • Speed too fast for conditions
  • HOV lane violation
  • Following too closely
  • Driving later than curfew
  • Driving with unrelated passengers
  • Personal electronic device use while driving

Violations that DO NOT count toward suspension include these common offenses:

  • Expired registration
  • Modified exhaust
  • Tinted windows too dark
  • Defective equipment

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Why Hire An Attorney

Reece Merrill Talks About Why You Should Hire An Attorney

Why Hire An Attorney

Reece Merrill talks about the differences in the courts and why hire an attorney to help you with a traffic ticket or criminal case.

Well, it is important to hire an attorney who can help you with a ticket. You do not want it going on your insurance. You do not want it raising your rates. especially if you drive for a living. If you have a commercial drivers license or something like that, it could jeopardize your career.

The Law

It would be better if the law were self-explanatory, and you would not need somebody that understood the court rules and understood the RCW and all of that. And how they interact with each other. But the reality is that it is not that way. It is a little more complex than it would seem on its face. I think a lot of times that people do not understand that an infraction is separate from a crime. So the rules of criminal evidence don’t actually apply to an infraction. An infraction is a civil matter.

Civil or Criminal

It is important to separate Civil Law from Criminal Law. And not act as though an infraction case is being handled the same way as a criminal case would be handled. For example, you do not have a right to an attorney provided by the state for a civil hearing, as you would for a criminal case.

Available Information

I think part of it is that if there is all the information, that there is access to everybody, right there in their pocket all the time, It seems like we should be able to figure anything out. But that does not mean that I am giving myself surgery, or treating my own broken arm. I still go to a doctor, even though I could probably Google it and watch YouTube Videos on how to put a cast on. But it is not going to show you the individual circumstances.

Unique Circumstances

People won’t have the knowledge of how an individual court operates. They are not uniform across the board. The jurisdictional difference is very important to every case. It is important to have a handle on what jurisdictions care about which elements of the law. And which ones really work the best in specific jurisdictions. They are not uniform across the board.

What works in one does not necessarily work in another one. And they each have their own individual rules and procedures for how they file things and how they process things. It is important to know that the city courts are not necessarily going to handle something the same way that the county court will, the city attorney is not going to handle something the same way the county attorney will handle something. And by that I mean the city attorney represents the city and the county attorney represents the state.

Why Hire an Attorney

You know I have been in court a lot and I have sat in court and I have watched other people do it for a long time. I take notes and I keep mental track of what works and what doesn’t work with specific people. What works with one person is not going to be the same as what works with a different person. Every Human is going to have a different reading or interpretation of the Law and the Rules.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

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(425) 259 4972

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Positive Covid Changes

Reece Merrill talks about the Positive Covid Changes

Positive Covid Changes-Virtual Negotiations

Reece Merrill talking about the positive Covid changes. At first it made things a lot more difficult, because it used to be a lot more talking in person with the State’s attorney and the City attorney. Figuring out, you know, their thoughts on the case. What their ideal scenario for the case is, and what yours is, and negotiating back and forth. It was a lot more hands on, face to face contact. Covid has obviously changed that.

Positive Covid Changes-Virtual Court

Now almost all the courts are on Zoom, so there is a lot more talking on the phone and a lot more emailing back and forth about cases. At first it was a little bit difficult of a transition, but now everyone is fairly used to it. 

Positive Covid Changes more Interactions with Clients

If you come in the office, without an appointment, you can probably talk to an attorney in the office either me, Logan or Rick. It has been a lot nicer to have more interaction face to face with clients. To have them come into the office for hearings on Zoom and things like that. So that part has been really beneficial to the practice and interacting with our clients.

Positive Covid Changes-Streamlined Court

I think the Court is probably going to realize that there are things they can do more efficiently and there are things, like zoom calendars that will probably be here to stay forever. That is at least my hope. It saves me a lot of time driving to court.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

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(425) 259 4972

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Understanding and Managing Your Driving Record in Everett, Snohomish County

Last Updated: August 22nd, 2024

In Everett and Snohomish County, maintaining a clean driving record is crucial for a variety of reasons, from securing lower insurance rates to ensuring employment opportunities. At Merrill Law, we’re dedicated to helping you understand and manage your driving record efficiently.

What is a Driving Record?

According to the Washington State Department of Licensing, a driving record (also called a motor vehicle record or driver abstract) is “a history of violations, convictions, collisions, and departmental actions incurred by a driver over a period of time.”  Your driving record contains detailed information about your driving history and status.

Types of Driving Records in Washington

There are several different types of driving records available from the Washington State Department of Licensing, depending on who is requesting the record and for what purpose. 

Complete Driving Record

A complete record contains the full history including:

  • Convictions
  • Violations
  • Collisions
  • Suspensions
  • Revocations
  • Disqualifications
  • Deferred prosecutions
  • Failures to appear

The following parties are allowed to obtain a complete driving record:

  • The individual named on the record
  • Attorneys
  • Law enforcement and government agencies

Insurance Abstract

An insurance abstract shows the past 3 years of both commercial and non-commercial driving events such as:

  • Convictions
  • Violations
  • Collisions
  • Failures to appear

Insurance companies and agents can obtain insurance abstracts when creating or renewing auto insurance policies for an individual.

Employment Record

Employment driving records include:

  • Convictions
  • Violations
  • Collisions
  • Suspensions
  • Revocations
  • Disqualifications
  • Deferred prosecutions
  • Failures to appear

Current and prospective employers are able to get employment records when hiring drivers or individuals who will operate a vehicle for work purposes.

Alcohol/Drug Assessment Record

Chemical dependency assessment agencies can obtain a record showing any alcohol or drug-related incidents within the last 10 years.

How to Get a Copy of Your Washington Driving Record

There are three main ways for residents of Everett and Snohomish County to request a copy of their own driving record in Washington state:

  1. Visit any local Washington State Department of Licensing in person and request it, providing:
    • Photo identification
    • $15 fee payment
  2. Order a copy online by providing:
    • Washington driver’s license number
    • Social security number
    • Credit/debit card for $15 fee
  3. Mail in a request form along with:
    • $15 check or money order
    • Completed driving records request form

No matter which method you choose, be prepared to verify your identity and pay the $15 record fee to the Department of Licensing. 

Why You May Need Your Driving Record

Your driving record is more than just a document; it can significantly impact various aspects of your life:

  • Insurance Rates: Insurers use your driving record to assess risk. A clean record can lead to lower premiums.
  • Employment Opportunities: Employers, especially those in transportation or delivery services, review driving records as part of their hiring process.
  • Legal Proceedings: In case of traffic violations or accidents, your driving record can be a crucial piece of evidence.
  • Correcting Errors: Driving records can sometimes contain incorrect information. Obtaining an official copy allows you to identify and dispute any errors or inaccuracies.

Common Issues and How We Can Help

At Merrill Law, we specialize in addressing common issues related to driving records, such as:

  • Traffic Violations: Our team can provide legal representation to contest traffic tickets and minimize their impact on your record.
  • DUI Charges: We offer expert defense for DUI charges to protect your record and your rights.

Local Expertise: With years of experience serving clients in Everett and Snohomish County, our attorneys understand the local laws and court systems. This local expertise enables us to provide tailored legal services that address your specific needs effectively.

Client Testimonials

Our clients trust us with their most critical legal issues. Here’s what they have to say:

  • “Merrill Law helped me with two infractions about 1 year apart. Both were dismissed with no impact to my driving record. It took minimal participation on my part and was well worth the effort. Thank you Merrill Law.” – Scott Lankford
  • “I love this place the attorneys here are awesome and do a really good job they have handled all my traffic citations and I appreciate the hard work they have put in towards it again thank you to all the attorneys at Merrill Law.” – Prestons Hernandezs

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

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Infraction Continuance

What is a Continuance for an Infraction?

There is a chance that we will need to ask for an infraction continuance for your case.

A “Continuance” is a motion to the court to request that a new court hearing date be set. Continuances are normal and have no negative impact on the outcome of your case. This rescheduling process is approved and processed through the court.

There are multiple reasons why a motion to continue may be filed.

Examples can include:

  • Court calendar scheduling conflicts.
  • Perhaps we are waiting for the complete documentation that we have requested to build the defense for your case.
  • Negotiation for an improved outcome.
  • Time needed to allow you to complete a step to address the needs that have come to light.

How Many Times?

The number of times a case may be continued, depends on the court that the case is assigned to. The Judge that is presiding may also have limits in place. In some situations motions to continue may be allowed multiple times for a case. In other situations they may only be allowed one time.

We file the appropriate documents to allow the court to reset the case to a new hearing date. The court will then have a new 120 days to hold a hearing for the traffic infraction.

Do I Need To Worry About Infraction Continuance?

No. The new court date will be placed on our calendar, and we will address the new hearing on your behalf.

We will confirm the outcome for your infraction has been recorded as agreed in the Court docket. You will be notified of the details by mail.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

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(425) 259 4972

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A Positive Experience

A Positive Experience To Join the Family Business

Reece Merrill talks about the positive experience of joining the family business.

It has been a pretty positive experience, to come in to the firm and work with my Dad.

I did not really know what I wanted to do when I was in High School, for the first couple of years of High School. Then when I was 15 or 16, I made this plan that I would go to College and Law School. That I would work in the family business. 

I think that this would be a difficult job to learn if you did not have somebody helping you along the way. Now it has been quite a few years, I feel pretty comfortable with it. Even still, it is nice just to be able to walk down the hall, and ask for advice. 

If I have a Question.

Most of the time, I will read it and say or I will see an issue and I will make sure, I will walk in and say, I don’t think this is a legally valid stop, or I don’t see that there is probable cause in this situation, or something like that.  And it is good to get a second set of eyes to actually look. Especially a significantly more experienced second set of eyes on it. 

Helping People.

I would say that the upside of being an attorney is working with different people. Helping people with their situations that they probably need some help through.

It is hard to look at the law and the court rules and to be able to apply it, without understanding the case law and how each court operates. It is good to have somebody on your side to defend you who knows the rules.

And that is really what I like to do, I like to help people in this situation and advise them of the best course of action for them to take.

I do primarily, Criminal Defense, any speeding ticket, any DUI, reckless driving, assault cases, Any time anyone is charged with a crime, I will help them.

We want working with us to continue to be a positive experience for our clients in the Future.

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call Us Now

Call us now to ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Comprehensive Guide to Moving and Non Moving Violations in Washington State

Navigating traffic violations can be challenging, especially when understanding the differences between moving and non-moving violations. At Merrill Law, we aim to provide clear, detailed information to help you manage these issues effectively in Everett and Snohomish County.

Moving Violations

Moving Violations affect your record for 3 years. These are some common impacts that you may experience:

  • Insurance rate increase
  • Issues with employment background checks
  • License warnings from the Department of Licensing regarding tickets.

Personal Electronic Device

In June of 2017 the Washington State laws changed to make using your Personal Electronic Device a moving violation. 

  • First offense the fee is $136
  • Second offense will be $234

Officers may pull you over if they see you holding your device in your hand while on the roadways, even if you are stopped at a traffic light.

  • A driver may use a personal electronic device if using it in a hands free manner. 
  • You may only start a function with a single touch or swipe if you are not holding your device.


Speed limits are important to help with overall traffic safety and having an enforced speed limit reduces traffic collisions and fatalities.

There are multiple ways a driver could be caught for speeding. These include:

  • Radar 
  • Lidar 
  • Aircraft Patrol
  • Pacing your vehicle

Accident tickets

The report of an accident will appear in the Accident Section of your driving record. In Washington State an accident will stay on your record for 3 to 5 years.  We are not able to remove this fact from your record.

Not all accidents result in an issuance of a traffic ticket.  If a citation is issued regarding the accident, it would appear in the infractions section of your driving record. 

Some common moving violation issued due to an accident include: 

  • Speed too fast for conditions
  • Improper lane change
  • Failure to yield
  • Failure to stop
  • Following too close
  • Negligent driving

How Merrill Law Can Help with Moving Violations

Our attorneys focus on contesting these violations, providing representation in court to minimize their impact on your record and insurance. We have a strong track record of success in Everett and Snohomish County

Once you have hired us to represent you, we would go to court to fight the traffic ticket. We will work to keep the citation off of the infraction section of your driving record. 

Non Moving Violations

Non moving violations may be reported to the Department of Licensing. These may be visible to your insurance company, however would have less consequences to your record than a moving violation. These can include some of the items listed below.

Seat Belt Violations

A seat belt violation may be visible on your driving record however it will not be visible for insurance companies to view. 

All occupants of a vehicle must wear appropriate restraints. Children are to be in approved child restraints as noted in the Rules of the Road.

Parking Tickets

Parking tickets are assigned to the vehicle or the vehicle’s registered owner. Parking tickets do not affect your driving record. 

Camera Tickets

Camera tickets or photo enforced tickets do not go on your driving record. 

They are issued to the registered owner of a vehicle that was caught on a camera committing an infraction.

If you do not address them in a timely manner can lead to increased fines and potential vehicle registration issues.

We do not fight Camera or Parking Tickets

When we represent you, our goal is to protect your driving record. Since the camera and parking tickets do not appear on your driving record, our advice would be to pay the fine or go to court and get the fine reduced.

How Can You Tell If It Is Moving And Non Moving?

There is a list of moving violations and non moving violations on the Washington Administrative Code, also known as the WAC.  WAC 308.104.160

This list is not exhaustive and some non moving violations can affect your record.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

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(425) 259 4972

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Possible Infraction Outcomes

Possible Outcomes

There are many different outcomes that are possible for an infraction. Each one has different effects on your driving abstract or record. Some will appear in your abstract and some will not. Some may raise your insurance rates, because insurance plans are different the only way to truly know if your insurance rates are going to increase would be to talk with your car insurance agent.

We will discuss some of the main categories of these possible outcomes.


Our first goal to protect your driving record would be an outright Dismissal without cost to you.

This case will appear in the court dockets as having occurred, but the outcome is listed as dismissed. Thereby protecting your driving abstract or record.


This is when the Judge has ruled, despite all arguments, that the charges on your ticket are valid and is not willing to remove or amend the infraction in any way to protect the record.


Having a ticket amended means that although the Judge was unwilling to dismiss the ticket, they were agreeable to amend the infraction in a way to help reduce insurance consequences. With a procedural change of this manner the Judge will assess a court fee in relation to the new charge.

Deferred Finding

According to Washington State Legislature RCW 46.63.070 the court may grant deferred findings for a traffic infraction. However, the court also has the option of placing stipulations or conditions on that deferred finding and may assess additional court costs for administrative processing.

If at the end of the deferral period, you have met all of the conditions that the court has imposed, then the court may dismiss the infraction.

You are only allowed to use the deferral option one time within a seven year period for traffic infractions for moving violations.

Commercial Drivers License (CDL) operators are not eligible for a deferral.

Confirmed Outcome

We will notify you when we have confirmed that your outcome has been recorded correctly in your court docket.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

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(425) 259 4972

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Traffic Ticket Mistakes and Myths in Everett and Snohomish County

Last Updated: August 22nd, 2024

Ticket Mistakes and Myths

Traffic tickets are more than just an inconvenience; they can lead to significant fines, increased insurance rates, and even license suspensions. At Merrill Law, we aim to clear up common myths and mistakes surrounding traffic tickets to help our clients in Everett and Snohomish County navigate these challenges effectively.

Common Traffic Ticket Myths

Myth 1: Errors on Your Ticket Lead to Automatic Dismissal

  • Reality: Minor mistakes, such as the wrong car color or plate number, do not typically result in dismissal. Courts focus on the nature of the violation rather than clerical errors.

Myth: 2 You Can’t Fight a Traffic Ticket

  • Reality: Many people assume fighting a ticket is futile. However, with an experienced attorney, you can challenge the evidence and potentially reduce or dismiss the charges.

Myth 3: Going with the Flow of Traffic is a Valid Defense

  • Reality: Speeding is speeding, regardless of whether others are doing it. The posted speed limit is the law.

Myth 4: Officers Must Show You the Radar Gun Reading

  • Reality: In Washington State, officers are not required to show you the radar or lidar reading at the time of the stop.

Common Traffic Ticket Mistakes

1 – Ignoring the Ticket

Failing to respond can lead to additional penalties, including fines and license suspension.

2 – Paying the Fine Without Question

Paying the fine is an admission of guilt, which can have long-term consequences on your driving record and insurance rates.

3 – Not Hiring an Attorney

Navigating the legal system alone can be challenging. An attorney with local expertise can help you understand your options and build a strong defense.

Local Traffic Laws and Regulations

Understanding local traffic laws in Everett and Snohomish County can be crucial in handling your ticket:

Speed Limits in School and Construction Zones

Speed limits vary, and fines are higher in school and construction zones. Knowing these local specifics can help in contesting tickets.

Red Light Cameras

Snohomish County has several intersections monitored by red light cameras. Being aware of these locations can help you avoid fines.

Local Enforcement Practices

Local police may have different priorities and practices, affecting how tickets are issued and contested.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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Driving In The Everett Snowmageddon

Todays Saga…

Began with a stop at the Co-Op Feed store in Everett. They made quick work of loading about 700 pounds of feed for Rick’s animals.

Stocking up…

Since it is not far from my house I said that I would be happy to pick it up and deliver it for him.

“Turn off the paved road!”

The neighborhood is filled with some intense hills. The truck handled amazing on the way in, however for the final hill I turned on the 4 wheel drive. I heard a pop of sorts as the truck lost its traction and began to slide rapidly back down the hill. I frantically shifted from 1st gear to reverse while trying to steer the slide and with a swish the drivers side went into the ditch.

A Delightful Sight…

The track hoe was huge! Just what my beast of at truck, a 4×4 Crew Cab Dually Diesel, was going to need. He pulled me out of the ditch and anchored me as I backed down to safety. We loaded the feed into the “Wonder Buggy” to make the trip to the barn.

Since I was having a terrible time with traction it was time pull out the chains. The Wonder Buggy returned and after we chained up the front and the outside duals I headed onward and upward.

Slip Sliding Away…

There was several inches of snow over an icy surface from the past storm. As soon as you crush the new snow, the texture acts like water on top of ice. A long straight climb came to a halt for my Jolly Green Giant.

Get a Move On…

It was important to get off the hill, so I backed up to get traction, rolling forward slowly, rocking the rig forward and back to get some momentum, accelerating quickly, trying to steer to the side, different gears, and 4×4 settings. Nope still stuck.

Pretty soon there are trucks trying to come down the hill, and trucks behind me trying to go up, and me a stuck in the muck, in the middle.

The next hour…

Included the neighbors digging into the gravel road and breaking off small branches and spreading sand to provide traction for my tires. Bouncing on the tailgate while driving.

The rescue truck they brought down…got its slide on, so they could not tow me up. In order to gain more traction they let some air out of the tires of that rig. I was not comfortable doing that with my dual wheels, as squishy Duallys that touch each other can cause a blowout.

We discovered that my 4 wheel drive is not working and seemed to contribute to the traction control issues. The truck was in my opinion over reactive, however when we put it back into 2 wheel drive it settled down. The joy and relief that I felt as I followed it up the hill, was huge.

It Takes a Village…

These amazing neighbors treated me like one of their own. The energy that they put in to each idea was astounding. Thank you for getting me and my Jolly Green Giant back on the road and home to my family this evening.

Today We Used…

A tow strap and chain, 2 pairs of tire chains, a bungie cord, 100 pounds of sand, 350 pounds of rocks between the wheel wells, rocks to use as wheel chocks, plywood for a smooth surface, shovel, assorted tools, gloves, and a flashlight hat…lots of ideas!

Traction is a Tricky Thing…

We like to compare the depth of the snow to decide if it is safe to travel. But many times it is the texture of the snow, compact snow and ice, water, slush on each surface that makes or breaks your rigs ability to connect with the road. Ad into that equation the specific hills, and angles of the roadway. Followed by factoring in the shade in a given area and the temperature at the time you are travelling.

Your traction may also be directly affected by the way the snow began. Was the road covered in rain that froze first? Did the snow fall on top of a sheet of ice, or does the snow actually connect to the grooves of the road.

Be Prepared, Be Safe, Stay Warm, and Thank You for the Help!

There are many ways an experienced attorney can help you.

Call us now

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(425) 259 4972

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Failure to Appear for a Traffic Ticket

What is Failure to Appear?

If you do not respond to your Traffic Citation in a timely manner a Failure to Appear (FTA) will be added to your court file.

When you receive a traffic citation, you are required to respond to the court within 15 calendar days from the date of the infraction.

A failure to appear may make resolving your infraction more complicated. This depends on when the ticket was issued and which court has jurisdiction.

Failure to Appear Can Cause a License Suspension.

According to RCW 46.20.289.The Washington State Department of Licensing can suspend all driving privileges if they receive notice from the court that a person has:

  • Failed to respond to a traffic citation.
  • Failed to appear at a hearing.
  • Violated a written promise to appear in court for the infraction.

How Long is my License Suspended or Revoked?

Your license can be suspended until you pay the fine or comply with the requirement to appear in court.

Steps to Reinstate Your License.

  1. Once your failure to appear has been cleared with the court, they will issue a certificate of adjudication.
  2. After the court notifies DOL that your failure to appear has been cleared, DOL will update your driving record to show your license is not suspended or revoked any more.
  3. You will need to apply for a new license. You may need to pay a:
    • $75 reissue fee plus your licensing fees if the original charge wasn’t drug or alcohol related, or
    • $150 reissue fee plus your licensing fees if the original charge was drug or alcohol related.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.


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(425) 259 4972

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What is a CDL?

What is a CDL

A Commercial Driver License (CDL) is a special license that is required by the Washington State Department of Licensing, for those who drive any of the following types of vehicles: 

  • Vehicles with a manufacturer’s weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more
  • Trailers with a manufacturer’s weight rating of 10,001 pounds or more and a combined vehicle gross weight rating of 26,001 pounds or more
  • All vehicles designed to transport 16 or more people including the driver
  • All school buses
  • Vehicles used to transport any hazardous material.

For requirements related to obtaining a CDL see the Washington State Department of Licensing.

Protection is the Key

It is extremely important to protect a CDL from situations that can cause suspension, disqualification, revocation, or cancellation. 

Your CDL could be disqualified if you:

  • Commit 2 or more serious traffic offenses from separate incidents within a 3 year period. 
  • Receive a DUI conviction.
  • Have a suspension of your regular Washington State driver’s license.

Steps to reinstate a commercial driver’s license may include:

  • Retaking the knowledge and driving test
  • Fees 
  • Other Requirements as needed

Merrill Law helps protect those drivers who have commercial driver’s licenses.

There are many ways an experienced traffic attorney can fight your ticket for you.

Call us now

To ask additional questions or to hire an experienced attorney who has deep connections with the local legal system.

(425) 259 4972

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